Tuesday, July 14, 2015

27 & 28 Weeks / Many More Firsts!

I didn't post last week because we were on an airplane headed for Chicago!
Oh baby, you experienced a whole lot of firsts!

First plane ride (you didn't cry. We weren't that mom & baby that people dread being on the same flight as).
First trip to the USA and out of Canada.
First baseball game - first Jays game AND first away game.
First river cruise (to check out the architecture along the Chicago river).

The day before we left you went for your first swim in a pool.
You LOVED it.
You love to splash and kick your legs like a frog. 
We've gone several times since then and have more swim dates coming up.

In other developments, you can hold yourself in the crawling position on the ground for about a minute. You can't move yet but I suspect that will come sooner than we think.
You've also discovered that you can pull yourself up to standing by grabbing onto us. I think you're going to crawl and start standing up before 9 months. 


You continually amaze us all with how quickly you learn and grow.